I know the legal department was being moved there. There is also an on site hotel for visitors to stay at - guess there was no room at the inn for you. I actually worked at patterson (during construction) and at Watchtower farms on different contstruction projects. Has anyone ever stayed at that boarding house around the corner from Watchtower farms?
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Ran out of Walkill, So we picketed Patterson
by Junction-Guy inwell when thursday morning arrived and we were told the news that the brooklyn picketing had been cancelled, we were upset and disappointed, but we decided to go on with a plan "b".
amanda,evelyn,sybil,and i decided to ride up to walkill ny and visit the watchtower farms and also patterson.
we drove up to walkill first and i must say that the size of this complex was enormous, and reminded me so much of a prison complex, they even had their own water tower.
+ Remembering Matthew Shepard +
by Seven inseven years ago today matthew, a gay college student, died as a result of the savage beating he suffered at the hands of two inhuman monsters now serving a life sentence for his murder.
gone but not forgotten.
rest in peace.. visit the foundation created in his honor: .
just fine
The men who did this are serving life sentences at the State Pen. in Rawlins Wyoming. They did a show a while back to try to take back the "gay panic" defense - tried to make themselves look better - only made themselves look worse.
Describe the WILDEST JW party you ever attended!! no seriously......
by kid-A ini realize this is totally context and culturally dependent, but the old toronto jw youth scene was quite wild during the years 1984-1994. .
one example, a group of about 40 jw kids would go up to a ski resort (usually mount st.louis/moonstone or blue mountain) over the x-mas week-end.
one year we rented out a block of rooms in a resort close to the ski lodge.
just fine
Too many to mention. But you Canadians sure do know how to throw a party!!! Most invloving enormous quantities of alcohol and boys. The trick was to all meet far enough away from home to get away with it.
JW kids and the national anthem humiliation......
by kid-A infor me, school was extremely stressful as a jw kid.
the worst part had to be my morning dose of humiliation being forced to walk out of the room as the national anthem came on the loudspeakers (first god save the queen, then, oh canada).
the other kids found this completely bizarre, and several of my "patriotic" minded teachers really resented me for doing this (despite the obvious fact i had no choice in the matter but was being forced into this by my parents).. how could anybody force this public humiliation on a small child or teen-ager, already having to deal with the normal stresses of growing up and worrying about their public image with their peers???
just fine
Where I grew up as long as they asked us to stand and sing the national anthem we could stand and just not sing - no one could tell whether you were or weren't singing. The pledge was the same thing - we stood - faced the flag- but didn't recite the pledge. My parents said that we still had to respect the flag and our fellow students who believed they should salute the flag. My teachers were all fine with it - so were my classmates. For birthdays and such our parents would allow us to eat whatever goody was brought in - just out in the hall - didn't seem so bad. But in elementary school they also allowed me to go over to worldly kids houses after school occaisionally. For holidays we could make whatever craft was being made as long as it was real - so instead of an easter bunny we made bunnies etc. Maybe where I grew up was just more liberal.
Good Childhood or Bad Childhood?
by weinermcgee inah i pressed tab this time instead of enter!.
i am allowed one more topic today so i thought i'd make it interesting.. i'd have to say that i had an awesome jw childhood i had lots of kids to play with, my cong always held special things to make all the children happy such as renting space to have parties or watching disney movies at someones house, movie theatre parties.
sliding parties (you know sleds on hills, no gt sno racers back then), all kinds of things that prevented us from getting worldly friends.
just fine
My childhood was good. I was raised as a witness, but my family had fun together. After thursday meetings was ice cream night, Fridays we would go to one of the elders houses for movies or swimming. Saturdays were service, lunch with some of the friends and in the summer going to the lake or in the winter sledding or snowmobiling. Sundays were rollerskating. No spankings. Once I was old enough to drive the people from the cong would get together on Fri or Sat to go bowling. We always took family vacations together, sometimes just our family - soemtimes with others families from the hall. Sometimes we would go to the lake for the weekend with other elders in the hall and have the watchtower study in the campground. There were always parties as tenns - formals, fifties, etc. I guess I didn't realize how the rest were until I moved out of my general area - then I got a dose of reality from the elders wives in my new hall. Not so much fun anymore.
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
just fine
I am not upset in the least, it is entertaining for me too. Actually to see someone who is so argumenative about something he obviously knows nothing about (what God thinks) is rather amusing.
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
just fine
I too can roll my eyes, but it really is quite childish and doesn't accomplish anything. It seems odd to me that you are so self righteous in your belief that you are pleasing God. I wonder what God or Jesus would think about you juding yourself righteous in their eyes.
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
just fine
and yet you continue to judge........
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
just fine
I am perfectly content with the state of my life. I am comfortable with my actions if Jesus were to hold me accountable for them. I do not see how you (def'd) are in a position to judge anyones relationship with God or Christ. I live a better life now than I ever did when I attended the hall. I am less judgemental and do not purport to know God's feelings about anyone. It is very presumptuous for you to believe you can judge anyone one of us through God's eyes.
Child Abusers--Where Are They Now?
by horrible life ini was reading some of danny haszards web site last night.
i haven't been able to find out what happened to the parents of laree slack.
her parents larry and constance slack, jw's, beat their 12 yr old daughter with a 5 foot 1 inch thick electric cable.
just fine
You can request records at the Illinois department of corrections, anyone can request those. it will tell where the inmate currently is and what their sentence is.